
Elina Sirone was born in Riga. She started to play the piano at the age of three and began her preparatory studies at the Emil Darzins School of music where she studied until 2001. Her main teachers were Ilze Juriksone and Dina Atte.

Elina continued her musical education at the Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music with Lelde Paula and Prof. Ventis Zilberts. She also studied at the Hochschule für Musik Köln as an exchange student with Prof. Arbo Valdma.

Apart from piano playing Elina also loves to play organ and have studied organ playing for seven years with Prof. Vita Kalnciema.

From 2007 till 2009 Elina was studying at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm/Edsberg Manor with Prof. Mats Widlund, solo piano, Prof. Mats Zetterqvist and Prof. Per Lundberg, chamber music.
She finished her studies with a soloist’s diploma playing a solo recital and W. Stenhammar’s Second Piano concerto with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Elina’s interest in Swedish piano music made her almost an ambassador for Wilhelm Stenhammar’s piano music in her hometown Riga. She published an article about him in a Latvian culture magazine, ”Cultural Forum” and made the first performance of his cycle of piano miniatures: ”Sensommarnätter” (”Late summer nights”).
Elina’s research work for her Master’s Degree was dedicated to W. Stenhammar’s piano music.

Elina won prizes in the International Vanna Spadafora Competition in Rome (2007), Nordic piano competition (2008) and Ljunggrenska competition (2009) in Sweden.

She has participated in different international master classes and festivals in Sweden (f.ex. Lyckå Chambermusic festival and Trelleborg Piano Festival) and Europe with Konstantin Bogino, Malcolm Bilson, Sergio Marengoni, Roland Pöntinen, Staffan Scheja, Stefan Bojsten, Anders Kilström, Jens Harald Bratlie, Tuija Hakkila, Andreas Henkel and Sergei Osokin among others.

Elina Sirone is now based in Stockholm giving solo recitals, chamber music concerts and accompanying singers as well as making recordings for radio stations in her home country Latvia and internationally.